There's a Yogini in the Kitchen
The kitchen Yogini and her team have been exploring healthy plant- based and immune system building recipes this summer. All while in an...
Summer Special! Free Trial Membership at the Mindstream
Get your summer ticket to The Mindstream and take advantage of all our Virtual Retreats, including the newly released...
#relaxationUnderground is a New Offering at The Mindstream Center
We have added some guided imagery for relaxation audio and video. These imagery techniques have been tested with biofeedback and shown...
Cilantro Mint Chutney!
Welcome to some new flavors in our blog post. This summer we are compiling our best anti-inflammatory (read IMMUNE BOOSTING) recipes and...
New Offering in the Retreat Center
Mindfulness is an practice that can be used to focus our intentions. One of the most difficult behaviors to change involves eating. What...
Compassionate Relationships -----> Mindful Leadership?
Next Episode in the Podcast Hut! Two things you thought didn't have any connection actually create great performance! What does...
Prayers & Meditations for Ukraine
Consider joining a global meditation or prayer group. One of the groups I belong to is the HeartMath Global Coherence project. You can...