by Janet Ware Doucette

At long last, the end of the manuscript is on my horizon. Two more chapters and I am ready to publish. My book project was accepted for a Kickstarter fundraiser. We are in the "Pre-Launch" phase. I have created a rewards list for donations of $25 or more which include a limited edition Blue Lotus Supporter tea/coffee mug. (not posted here- lol!) Donators of $50 or more receive PDF, ebook, or print edition as well as the tea mug.
Getting to Gamma combines the science of mind-body medicine and biofeedback with the wisdom of meditation. This book is for anyone struggling with disappointment, frustration and chronic stress, and those who have it all, but still feel empty. Learn to manage stress, discover inner strength and, ultimately, re-invent your life.
Drop by the Kickstarter Page and sign up to receive notifications.
To learn more, visit the Stormview Mountain Press link at The Mindstream.